Monday, October 20, 2008

Web 2.0: Social Media Networking is Here, but the Game Hasn't Changed

The purposes of a man's heart are deep waters,
but a man of understanding draws them out.

And so what is to be made of this gross availability that we have today to peak into one anothers' lives? Social media is not about blasting your message everywhere you go, its about connecting in a valuable, meaningful manner.

Some social media activists and gurus are pointing back to this as a guiding influence, and should be, but it can be difficult to hear over all the many competing voices clamoring about social media networking, social media marketing, tribes, communities, and the like.

Sure social media has greased the ways in which we are able to keep in touch - technology in general has had this and streamlining tasks as driving forces for sometime now. And in their defense social media does provide certain advantages, even to the marketing/ public relations, and/or sales crowds.

The important point is that people in social networks want to be listened to, respected, and admired for what it is they do. Social media has provided us an ease of connection, but people are still people and they still need the same -justifiable things- respect, interest, and appreciation that they have since time began.

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